Our Creed
21st Century Creed for Reformed Evangelicals
We believe in one true and living God, who exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; identical in substance and equal in power.
We believe that in the counsel of the Godhead it was determined that Jesus, the eternal Son, would come into the world to offer Himself as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of His people whom He has chosen before time began.
We believe Jesus rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and will return physically and visibly to judge the living and the dead; henceforth subduing all enemies, including death and the devil; and will set up His eternal kingdom and reign.
We believe, at Christ's coming, the bodies of both the righteous and the damned will be raised from the dead and be reunited with their departed spirits to receive their eternal abodes: The new heaven and new earth for the saved, and the lake of fire for the lost.
We believe that the Holy Spirit uses the infallible, inerrant and inspired scriptures to awaken people from their spiritual deadness which, from birth to new birth, characterized and kept them alienated from their Maker.
We believe that salvation is not attributed to man's works, or will, or baptism, or to any other religious undertaking, but is solely obtained by faith alone, in Christ alone and by grace alone.
We believe that, at conversion, a believer receives the indwelling baptism and sealing of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that a person's claim to being born again is manifested by the fruit which the Holy Spirit within him produces: Love for the Lord, love of the brethren, a doer of God's Word, discontinuance of sinful conduct, an appetite to read the Bible, a desire to assemble with the body of believers, and a longing for the second coming of Christ.
We believe that our union with Christ can never be broken, and by the Holy Spirit's operations we will persevere to the end.
We believe that, immediately after death, an unsaved person goes consciously to the confines of hell's sufferings and awaits the resurrection of their body.
We believe that a redeemed person, at the moment of death, will be absent from their body and immediately and consciously be in Christ's presence.
"For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things;
to whom be the glory forever. Amen"
Romans 11:36