Street Evangelism
Evangelizing the lost is important to us. Most Saturday mornings of the year several of us evangelize on Main Street in Southbridge, often going door-to-door. A team of individuals presents the gospel by way of preaching, tract distribution, music, and testimonies. Our desire is to spread the good news that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He suffered and died for our sins, that He rose from the dead and is coming back again. If you have a heart for the lost you are welcome to join us at the Post Office on Main Street in Southbridge at 10:30 a.m.
Foreign Missions
Sovereign Grace Chapel organizes an annual mission trip to Jamaica in November. Our team preaches in several different schools, hospitals, churches, and on the streets. We often conduct a Vacation Bible School for the school children, and our women minister to the ladies through Bible studies and one-on-one relationships. A discipleship group and Bible study for teen-aged girls was recently added to our ministry. Trips are typically the first week in November. Exact dates TBD.