Plural Eldership Congregation
We advocate plural eldership because the Biblical rule is that two are better than one, and in the multitude of counselors there is safety (Ecclesiastes 4:9 and Proverbs 11:14).
We grant the congregation, along with the elders, the right to determine the quality of any elder or deacon candidate and expect them to affirm or deny the candidate the position of elder or deacon. A year probation is allotted to the elder candidate to be examined by the elders, himself and the flock for the finalizing of his calling to be recognized as an overseer (this is a method we find safe and sure).
We are elder led (not ruled) and congregationally engaged. (Rule connotes heavy handedness, and invincible authority.)
Church elders do not dictate from high towers, but integrate in the low trenches of where the people of God are, seeking to relate fully with their brothers and sisters.
Church elders are big on influence, but small on control.
Church elders are tough when it comes to truth, but tender when it comes to love.
Elders are leaders, but also ones who listen to those they lead.
Elders inform the church when excommunication is necessary, and expect affirmation from the congregation. Though the congregation doesn’t have a ‘vote’ on this matter, they can have a voice. If a wise and conscientious member seeks further explanation for the action, it is our glad duty to explain the reasons for our decision. We are not a behind-closed-doors caucus, but have an open door policy for informative engagement with our people.
We have a pulse reading of our flock and believe our deacons are a good bridge to the climate of our church body.
Congregationalism does not mean pure democracy. True Biblical congregationalism grants liberty to the body to be involved in the life of the church, yet recognizes the role of her leaders to guide the church with high and holy standards. For the elders “must give an account”, Heb. 13:17, James 3:1. If perchance the eldership is questioned by wise individual/s who use the Word with skill, it behooves the overseers to humbly admit their folly and reverse their judgment. Even though this seems ironical, i.e. that the presbyters could be wrong and non-elders be right, the truth of scripture must prevail and the judgment proposed must be overridden.
SGC wants to give Christ the PREEMINENCE IN ALL THINGS and allow His Holy Spirit to give liberty that God in all things will be GLORIFIED!
SGC wants to be willing to reform herself if greater light is shed on areas that we may be deficient.