Welcome to
Sovereign Grace Chapel
Mission Statement
SGC exists to worship and glorify God by equipping the saints for the work of ministry, calling people to become disciples of the risen Christ, and caring for those in need as salt and light in this fallen world. SGC maintains the gospel as of first importance and the Scriptures as the ultimate authority. We pursue Christ centered unity and love and labor together with the Lord in the process of our sanctification. To God alone be the glory.
We are currently holding services at Faith Baptist Church
515 Dennison Road, Southbridge MA 01550
Email any inquiries to info@sovereigngracema.org
Services Begin at 12:00PM EST
How we got here, and how you can help.
We are a church that abounds in grace as we encourage one another toward holy living. We rest and depend on the grace of God that gives us joy and strengthens our hearts for a life of obedience and instills in us a desire to bring Him glory.
Being overwhelmed with the love of God by His grace, we are motivated to love and serve one another in gratitude. Our love for God compels us to dedicate our lives to loving Christ in deed and truth.
We stand on the authority and truth of Scripture and promote Christ centered, cross centered, sound Biblical preaching and teaching, and the spreading of the full gospel message to all.
Sunday Schedule
Sunday Worship: 12:00PM at Faith Baptist Church - Email info@sovereigngracema.org for details
Note: Nursery facilities are not staffed, but are available to caregivers during the service.